Thursday, October 9, 2008

DomestiGals Welcome Country Mouse!

Sue and I and all you lovely ladies in DomestiGal Land are so lucky to have with us today the lovely Bekah from Country Mouse. Bekah is one of the funniest, fabulousest, most genuine gals we know (via the blogosphere, obv). Her photos are gorge, her house is adorable, and her hubby is the cutest! And if you have any doubt about that, ladies, read on...

Slow dancing amongst the paperbacks


I am not romantic by nature.  I played cowboys and Indians as a child, I didn't dream about meeting Prince Charming or falling in love.  I really just wanted to live it up, be myself, and play in the mud.

When I started dating my husband I was immediately wary of how romantic he seemed to be. Any man that remembers that ONCE three years ago you mentioned that you love chicken stir-fry and actually makes it himself for your first date is up to something right?  I had never been treated the way he treated me, and I wondered what his deal was.  I just kept waiting for him to reveal his true nature, to catch a glimpse of what he was really up to, basically I was waiting for him to fail.  

Months went by and he still hadn't shown what I thought must be his true colors.  I just KNEW this guy had some sort of end game, I mean, that's what men do right? But as much as I couldn't figure him out, I also couldn't get enough of him.  I would warn myself repeatedly not to fall too hard for this guy, but then he would wrap his strong arms around me and I'd find myself falling harder and faster with each and every kiss.  

Eventually I came to trust his sweet nature, I let myself  believe that he simply acted on his impulses and I even came to like it, but sometimes his wildly romantic displays embarrassed me.

We used to go to Border's bookstore on wintery nights, get coffee and browse the bookshelves together.  One night while we were still dating we were sipping our coffees and flipping through paperbacks Surgery by Joe Purdy started playing.  Surgery had come to represent a little of our relationship, and we both liked the song.  He came over to me, took my drink and put in on a shelf, and started slowdancing in the aisle with me.  Right there in the bookstore!  I was mortified.  I pulled myself away, grabbed my coffee, and took off for the women's health section (where I knew he wouldn't follow).  

Later that night I called my mom just to chat.  I explained the dancing situation and how I just felt so silly when he danced with me and no one else was dancing.  'Mom' I whined, 'He's just SO romantic sometimes, it sounds cute to other people, but it embarrasses me! He was dancing with me in a bookstore!'

'Bekah' she said, 'Take the time to dance.  That option might not always be there.  I wish I had danced with your father more.'  I was speechless.  My parents have been divorced for over 15 years.  They are both remarried and love their spouses dearly, but both will say that they consider their failed marriage to be one of their greatest regrets.  

I always thought there was some mystic formula that kept great couples together.  Sure I had heard people say it's all about making that commitment to each other and sticking to it, but could it really be that simple?  There had to be more right?  Maybe we muddy it up with our predisposed opinions on what real romance SHOULD be, or how we should act.  I lost a good chance with dance with the man I would marry because I was embarrassed that the other people in the bookstore would think we were silly.

Could romance really be as easy as dancing amongst the paperbacks?  Of course not, but I still feel unbelievably close to my husband when he holds me in his arms, and slowly sways with me to the music.  Do I still feel embarrassed sometimes?  Oh you bet, and we generally keep our dancing to our own home.  But I know that I will cherish those moments with him for the rest of my life, and when we don’t have time to dance, I will be able to think back on these days and remember that feeling.  Sometimes, it's just worth it to step out of your comfort zone to find new comfort in someone's arms. 

Word. Thank you for this a to the mazing post, Bekah!

Be sure to check out Bekah's blog here.


Slow-Dancing Sue and Jump-Jivin' Jen


Jenn said...

Awww, that post was really sweet. Unfortunately my husband is more likely to bust out in a Michael Jackson impression than a slow dance in public, but who says that's not romantic, right? ;)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. I think there are different ways to be romantic. My bf would never do the slow dance thing in public and he's never bought me flowers (we've been together for 4 1/2 years). But he shows his love in other ways: drawing out our everyday stories on the computer, going out of his way to get foods I like, and one time, he cut out a picture of me and took "me" on his trip to Europe (he had people take pictures of him and "me" at all the landmarks). But I agree that sometimes, it would be nice to just go back to the basics and dance.

Anonymous said...

Oops, that last comment was mine... clicked "enter" too soon.

Anonymous said...

Mr. C was very sweet and open with his feelings when we first started dating... something I definitely wasn't used to. I was very cynical of everything he said or did b/c I thought for SURE he was playing me or something.

I think your mom said something very wise. I think now sometimes I take things for granted... like when Mr. C fixes dinner or works on all my little projects. Sometimes you just need to take the moments and cherish them.

Anonymous said...

lol bekah - it is a little chicken soupy - but soooo sweet! the boy loves to public dance too- i gave up fighting it a while ago. :)

Anonymous said...

Matt is a great guy. Maybe he should teach classes on how to woo a lady! LOL. This post made me think of how Mr. Cat would hoist me up on his back like a piggy back ride in Bed Bath and Beyond and we would go shopping like that. It wasn't sway dancing, but it was his form of romance. I was embarrassed too, but not enough to stop. :)

Mom to Tate and Charlie said...

Bekah, Matt does rock. And your Mom is right...take the time to dance. :)

Coloradolady said...

Bekah, I have said this before, and I will say it again....I only hope my own daughter can find someone half the man you have there....He is a gem.

The Wife said...

Great post Bekah. He is a sweetheart.

Caz said...

That's seriously cute. AB would *never* be that romantic. In a joking, lets be silly way maybe, but not in a serious way. He's not romantic, and that's fine with me most of the time. I understand your embarassment at that point.
I think you're mom hit it spot on though.
Great guest post!

Train Wreck said...

Oh Little Mouse! I know how you feel! I too get a little embarrassed! The fact that our husbands show affection is so much nicer than those who do not! My first time around I was married to a real jerk! Oh the stories I could tell! So I am so grateful for the embarrassing love shown to me! Truly thankful to have Prince Charming over King Jerk!!

for a different kind of girl said...

A couple weeks ago, my husband and I danced together in our garage. I was thrilled he'd cleaned it out. It started out as a club jam, but turned into a quiet little spin. It hit me again right then how much I kind of dig the guy.

You two will have a glorious and connected life together. You're already on such great footing.

Anonymous said...

Great post Bekah! Matt sounds like a really sweet guy. I agree with your mom....take the time to dance.

Bekah said...

Thank you all so much! you are so sweet! and a BIIIIIG thank you to Domestigals Sue and Jen for letting me hijack their blog for a day! I feel like such a diva!

Anonymous said...

Awww Bekah that is so SWEET! I got teary eyed at what your mom said! She is so right.