Thus -- thus! We're in *earnest* need of your help!
As you know, Sue is at a complete loss when it comes to All Things Classy and All Things Wedding Related. Jen will continue to post - she does have a wedding to plan, after all! - but we could use a few extra hands here in DomestiGal land!
Does anyone out there want to serve as an occasional DomestiGal Writer to help ensure that Jen gets A+s in all her MBA classes?
(Frankly, Sue would prefer that Jen spend her time smooching The Lawyer with whom she set her up, but, alas, it cannot be.)
If you'd like to recommend another Blissful Blogger -- or -- if YOU want to do an occasional post for us, please contact us at domestigals{at}gmail{dot}com! If you're Enthusiastically Engaged, Pleasantly Pregnant, Snazzily Single or any other type of DomestiGal, feel free to apply.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Already Lonely... :(
DomestiGal Sue
Already Lonely... :(
DomestiGal Sue
... and Going Through Mayjah DGal Withdrawal Already,
DomestiGal Jen
wait jens not coming back at all?? gasp! nooooooooooo!
Bekah and Gals in the blogosphere! Jen here. Never fear - I am not leaving! I mean, I am, going to grad school that is - but I will still be posting regularly. Don't worry!
We would just love to have some extra gals on board to provide a little relief as I adjust to my new life as a DomestiGrad Student...
Love! Jen
phew ok. I can handle that.
I think I can manage an occasional post. Well, I can try. You two set the bar high. Let me know! I would be happy to help =)
Your bride in the making,
A Serious Student? Why?! Why can't you just blog all day instead? =)
I'm so glad Jen isn't going to stop blogging. :) However, if you girls do need some posting help, I'd be more than happy to guest blog! Just let me know - my email is:
Best of luck, Jen!
-Jaime @ "It's A Jaime Thing"
(I'm a wedding-obsessed married Chicago girl who loves helping brides!)
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