Wednesday, September 10, 2008

DomestiGals Heart... Fish Oil!


Fish Oil!

So, when DomestiGal Sue was in nutrition school, all the doctors who came in to present would say the following, "The worst thing that fish oil can do for you is make you smarter and hotter."

Okay, so they didn't exactly say "hotter" -- but that's how it should have been interpreted!

Fish oil is beneficial for the following:

Reduce the risk of heart diseases,
Lower cholesterol
Promotes weight loss
Reduces depression and anxiety
Prevents some forms of cancer
Produces beautiful skin

Not to mention the fact that it is highly recommended - nay, required - by Colossus, Bridal Boot Camp Butt-Kicker Extraordinaire!

DomestiGals, get yourself on the fish oil track, stat! We buy ours at Vitamin World.

Vitamin World


Bekah said...

i have wanted to take fish oil for as long as i have known about it, but every time I go to buy it i am overcome with the irrational fear that i will smell like a fish.

I know. sigh...I know but I cant control it dammit!

michellewoo said...

Taking fish oil helped me a little with my crazy PMS issues. (The real cure was getting off the Pill, but I guess that's a completely different story.) A happy side effect of the stuff was that my skin never looked so glowy.
BTW, I linked here in my latest post. Love this site. It's seriously charming and welcoming.

DomestiGals said...

Bekah, dahling, you will not smell like a fish! Make sure you get high-quality stuff that actually lists the fish it uses. They should be small - like sardines - because small fish do not absorb toxins the way big ones do. Try it and let us know how it goes!

Michelle, you rock. Thank you :-)

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

Um, what about the fishy burps it causes.

Oh, is that only me?


DomestiGals said...

Ok. Jen here. I totally have that problem with the capsules too. But! Colossus introduced us to fish oil concentrate - and I know this sounds totally nastastic but it tastes like lemon and there are NO fishy burps! I promise!